Build efficient and maintainable software.
Develop robust and efficient software using the Java platfrom. Use objects, design patterns and concurrency to enhance your applications. Here are four excellent reasons to master Java.
Learn from experts
Benefit from experienced trainers who are themselves Java developers.
Master Java to develop Android apps
Become proficient in Java and get the possibility to build native mobile applications for Android, the most widely used mobile OS.

“[J'ai apprécié] la vision globale [ainsi que] la culture impressionante [du formateur].”

"Surely the best training I have attended. It does cover several aspects of Java, but also a lot about Object Oriented Programming and various tools which definitely help through."

“I personally didn’t know about Java much but [now] I am fully prepared to [have] challenging [assignments] in Java.”

Course Details
Java is an industry-standard software platform that is used to develop powerful and portable software applications for devices from mobile phones to desktop computers and servers. Java is used by thousands of enterprises throughout the world and in Mauritius and, consequently, Java developers are highly sought. Developing in Java requires both a mastery of the Java language and a solid foundation in object-oriented programming. This course aims to give those skills to the trainees.
This 30-hour MQA-approved training (course code: Core2) will run one day per week from 09:00-16:00 over five weeks at a venue to be announced soon. The MQA-registered trainer is Avinash Meetoo.
List of topics
- Fundamentals of Java and Input/Output
- String Manipulation and Collections
- Object-oriented programming
- Design Patterns
- Generics and Concurrency
Who should attend
Anyone having programming skills and want to get skills in Java. Also it’s a prerequisite for developers who want to develop native mobile applications in Android.
The course is MQA-approved and costs Rs 25,490 per participant. All fees are payable upon booking of seats. This is our policy in case of cancellation. Eligible companies can get refunds from the HRDC.
Become a Knowledge7 Associate, refer people to our training courses and earn 10% of what we receive as training fee.

Book a seat
To book a seat for this course, please download our booking form, fill it in and send it to us by email () or fax (5834-9001).
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